Top 10 Albums of the Year: Three Drunk Mates Podcast Style. (2008 - 2010)
My friend AZ has always done a top 10 of his favourite releases from that year but in 2008 he thought it would be fun if he, me and our mate Raul, all did our own Top 10s, ridiculed each others, and recorded it for posterity. Since I was the guy with all the microphones and recording equipment, we did the whole thing one long, Christmas holidays evening at my flat.
The general plan was to each play a track off an album in our top 10 and, after a measured pause to listen to enough of it to comment (about 10 seconds on average, I think), pick the choice to pieces. Or occasionally all agree it was a good one. We tried to bring in an element oh mystery by not announcing what we were abort to play and seeing if it could be guessed.
I had no fancy equipment so I'd planned to just record us and then run the track under our discussions. In the event there was far too much bleed from the playing of each trade behind the discussions anyway, so I ended up playing a 30s clip to begin and then switching to our edited chat. And it needed editing because of in-jokes any listener would miss, ums and errs, all the embarrassing rubbish we spouted as we got drunker. Here's a photo of the occasion:
The complete info is on Last.FM, here: Last.FM Journal
In the end we played 12 each! No idea why.
For some reason we didn't do this again until 2010. We don't know what made 2009 a washout but it never happened. In 2010 l started to look at Stats just to see if what we picked were also our most listened to albums. Unfortunately, Last.FM doesn't make it that easy to get precise figures. I got a rough list but I wasn't happy with it. Certainly it didn't match perfectly to the choices.
What I remember most about 2010 is it being decided late in the year, which meant I ended up listening to a lot of albums over a short period of time. This necessitated me asking a lot of friends for recommendations and I think this, combined with using Spotify, caused me to pick a lot more variety of stuff. Big shout out to Gareth for giving me some excellent playlists.
Here's the Last.FM link for it: Last.FM Journal
My 2008 Album List
Papier Tigre
Tessellators (actually an EP but we allowed those)
Tim Ten Yen
Popular Workshop
Superman Revenge Squad
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
An Emergency
The Tupolev Ghost (another EP)
Flight of the Chonchords
Mayors of Miyazaki
2010 Album List
Hans Zimmer (The Dark Knight)
Max Richter
Arcade Fire
Scout Niblett
Oneohtrix Point Never
Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabate
The Knife
The general plan was to each play a track off an album in our top 10 and, after a measured pause to listen to enough of it to comment (about 10 seconds on average, I think), pick the choice to pieces. Or occasionally all agree it was a good one. We tried to bring in an element oh mystery by not announcing what we were abort to play and seeing if it could be guessed.
I had no fancy equipment so I'd planned to just record us and then run the track under our discussions. In the event there was far too much bleed from the playing of each trade behind the discussions anyway, so I ended up playing a 30s clip to begin and then switching to our edited chat. And it needed editing because of in-jokes any listener would miss, ums and errs, all the embarrassing rubbish we spouted as we got drunker. Here's a photo of the occasion:

The complete info is on Last.FM, here: Last.FM Journal
In the end we played 12 each! No idea why.
For some reason we didn't do this again until 2010. We don't know what made 2009 a washout but it never happened. In 2010 l started to look at Stats just to see if what we picked were also our most listened to albums. Unfortunately, Last.FM doesn't make it that easy to get precise figures. I got a rough list but I wasn't happy with it. Certainly it didn't match perfectly to the choices.
What I remember most about 2010 is it being decided late in the year, which meant I ended up listening to a lot of albums over a short period of time. This necessitated me asking a lot of friends for recommendations and I think this, combined with using Spotify, caused me to pick a lot more variety of stuff. Big shout out to Gareth for giving me some excellent playlists.
Here's the Last.FM link for it: Last.FM Journal
My 2008 Album List
Papier Tigre
Tessellators (actually an EP but we allowed those)
Tim Ten Yen
Popular Workshop
Superman Revenge Squad
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
An Emergency
The Tupolev Ghost (another EP)
Flight of the Chonchords
Mayors of Miyazaki
2010 Album List
Hans Zimmer (The Dark Knight)
Max Richter
Arcade Fire
Scout Niblett
Oneohtrix Point Never
Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabate
The Knife