Secret Santa Robot

Sometimes assigning your Secret Santa is a bit more complicated than just picking names out of a hat. Maybe none of you will have a chance of meeting up before or maybe you want to make sure some people don't buy for some other people.

This is an automated Secret Santa device to let you do that, designed for one person to enter all the participants and get the appropriate assignments. You can choose to have the results displayed on screen but then if you're one of the recipients you'll know who's giving to whom and more importantly, who's buying for you. So there's also the option to let the site secretly email everyone so all each of you will know is who you're buying for.

If you email everyone then we also need you to give a 'master email', which is a safety fallback (it can be the same as any of the other emails). Sometimes emails get vanished away by over-zealous spam programs so the master email will also receive a copy of each person's assignment. After all if one out of 15 of you doesn't get the email you'd have to go through it all over again, but this way you can forward them the backup stored in the master email account.

Additionally, there's an option to specify someone isn't allowed to provide a present for someone else. This was put in place primarily to make sure that couples aren't asked to buy for each other, so in that case you would have the partner's name in the ignore box.

Who's In?

  • Display on screen only (no emails):
  • Master Email (required if not displaying on screen only):
  • A copy of every Secret Santa email will be sent to this address so that you can resend emails that people don't receive

  • General text for each email, e.g. instructions, maximum cost, etc.

  • Enter all people in the Secret Santa, giving each one a unique name and email address. If someone shouldn't be the secret santa of another person (presumably because they're partners or something) you can add their name to the Exclude box; do this vice versa if the exclusion works both ways.

  • Name (must be unique)
    Email (required if not 'Display on screen')
    Exclude (opt - someone's name from col 1)